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HomeBusinessYiannos Trisokkas and the Cyprus Citizenship by Investment Program

Yiannos Trisokkas and the Cyprus Citizenship by Investment Program

If you are looking to invest in a property in Cyprus, you’ll find a huge variety of options, from beachside villas and penthouses to luxury apartments. The range of prices for waterfront properties in prime locations is equally as varied. But if you’re considering making a move, you’ll need to know where to look for the best deals. In this article, we’ll look at some of the main factors to consider when shopping around for property in Cyprus, and what you should keep an eye out for when deciding where to put your money.

Digital nomad lifestyle

The digital nomad lifestyle has been growing in popularity for years. It is a great way to travel the world and learn about different cultures. In addition, it allows you to make a living on the go. You can work online, and you can also use the internet to stay connected in remote locations.

Some people who have adopted the digital nomad lifestyle say it is more fulfilling than their 9-5 jobs. Many have found it helps them discover their true talents. Others are looking to diversify their assets.

Although there are benefits to being a digital nomad, it does come with a few downsides. Firstly, it can be a lonely lifestyle. Secondly, it can be expensive. Thirdly, it’s not for everyone.

Cyprus’s popular residence programme

Yiannos Trisokkas is a well known specialist in the citizenship by investment program in Cyprus. His team provides guidance and support to investors on every venture. He recently spoke at the Global Citizen Seminar in Nicosia.

The Cypriot residence by investment program is a popular choice for those who want a European passport but also want to live permanently in the country. It is also a great option for those who are looking for a visa-free entry to the European Union.

For a start, the government of Cyprus has a very attractive tax scheme in Europe. It is also one of the safest countries in the world. In fact, it has a reputation for being a safe and secure place to invest.

Henley & Partners’s involvement in the Jho Low citizenship application

Henley & Partners Holdings Limited is a company based in the Channel Islands, which specializes in citizenship and passport procurement rights for ultra-high net worth individuals. The firm boasts of an exclusive client list and high-level connections. Its executives are members of professional associations, including the International Bar Association, the International Council of Shopping Centres, and the Federation of Singaporean Chambers of Commerce.

According to documents obtained by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), Henley & Partners assisted Low in obtaining a Cypriot citizenship. OCCRP claims that Henley received a hefty commission for facilitating the citizenship transaction.

Jho Low allegedly aided in the theft of billions from Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB. However, Low’s involvement in the fraud was not known until late November 2016. In early December, Low was arrested in Cyprus and the Cyprus Investment Plan, which provided Low with a Cypriot passport, was suspended.

Prices for waterfront properties in prime locations vary sharply

Buying a waterfront property is an investment that increases in value over time. Those looking to buy a home in an area with a good water view may want to check out the local real estate market before making a move.

One study surveyed the effects of a number of factors on a property’s sale price. The study found a correlation between a higher water quality and better price performance. This effect is not only statistically significant, but also has a direct impact on the overall dollar amount of the purchase.

Waterfront properties are often a major contributor to a community’s economic value. In fact, a recent study from FloridaRealtors argues that a property’s location in relation to the water has a greater influence on its value than its condition.

Archbishop of Cyprus admits having dinner with Jho Low

Jho Low, a Malaysian businessman whose name is tied to the 1MDB scandal, has obtained Cypriot citizenship. It is believed that he has been involved in a multibillion-dollar scandal involving 1MDB.

The Cyprus government has pledged to revoke the passports of several investors. However, they will not be able to revoke the passport of a single individual. This means that Low’s passport could remain in effect for many years, although the government has not provided any details about the passport.

Low was an investment partner of a private company, Donnica Management, which had been set up on 15 May 2015. Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus wrote a letter to the interior minister Socratis Hasikos in 2015 asking him to expedite Low’s naturalisation.


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